Today will be the first day of this one month long learning challenge. Initially I had thought of using substack for publishing my daily learning notes, but obsidian seems like a much better idea for further refinement and continued learning.
A list of interesting points
- Humans are a mathematical anomaly1
- do we romanticise being made of stardust? short answer, yes.
- singularity is a tricky concept. highly possible for it not to exist.
- there is a smallest unit of time. one Planck time.
- grand unified force is a khichdi of electromagnetic, gravitation, weak and strong force.
- what is the naming convention being weak and strong forces?
- Information cannot travel faster than light but space can.
- where does mass come from
- Higgs Field being massless vs gaining non zero potential
- There are more particles than anti particles
- this is a huge reason for why the universe is the way it is
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
- Cosmic Microwave Background
- Quantum mechanics predicts all the elements in the periodic table2